Test your craziest startup ideas
Your idea is converted into a landing page that you can share with friends to build up a waitlist. We keep track of a verified waitlist leaderboard. The best weekly idea will win $20. Coming soon!
Who has the best ideas?
Put your startup ideation to the test
  • Submit your ideas
    Share your craziest startup ideas and we will generate a landing page that you can share with friends to join your waitlist.
  • Join waitlists
    Browse and join the waitlists for the startup ideas you find most promising.
  • Win prizes
    We will announce weekly winners, starting with $20 prize money.
Take it to the next level
Connect and collaborate with fellow entrepreneurs
  • Networking opportunities
    Expand your professional network and connect with potential co-founders and other entrepreneurs.
  • Discover opportunities
    A fun way to discover interesting startup ideas.
  • Meet with users
    Build up a waiting list and connect with customers to validate your idea.

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